

新闻资讯 发布时间2014.5.23.浏览数:2321

【外贸出口Kosher认证(犹太认证)】 1、产品获得Kosher认证(犹太认证),就会成为犹太人的消费品(非Kosher认证食品,犹太人不吃),也会成为基督徒以及追求饮食健康人士的优先选择,有利于在欧美、以色列等地区的市场拓展。 以下是相关的报导: ......广州做网站公司www.gzsanxing.com三行网络为您详细介绍 - 请往下阅读》





纽约 LUBICOM Marketing

Consulting的一份评估显示美国有1150万人购买125亿美元的kosher食品,2005年Mintel Research




New York…An estimated 11.5 million Americans buy $12.5 billion of kosher

foods, a new survey by LUBICOM Marketing Consulting shows. Some studies, like

the 2005 report by the Mintel Research Organization, put the figure at $14.5

billion. The numbers reflect sales to year-round Jewish kosher consumers,

occasional Jewish customers (i.e. holiday shoppers), members of other religious

faiths, and Americans who prefer kosher because of health, safety, or taste

preferences. In the 2005 study, Mintel indicated that 21% of Americans either

regularly or occasionally purchase kosher products because they are kosher (i.e.

kosher hot dog). Of those, 55% listed health and safety as the reason for their

purchase, 38% are vegetarians, 16% eat halal, and 35% preferred kosher because

of taste or flavor. The kosher symbol appears on $285 billion of consumer goods

sold in U.S. supermarkets, nearly 60% of all such goods produced for sale in

U.S. groceries. Even more striking is the astounding figure of ingredients in

products that are certified as kosher. An estimated 70% of all ingredients sold

to U.S. food companies are kosher certified. In the past eight years, kosher

sales have increased by 10% - 15% each year. Only organic foods exceeded that

number in some years. The number of kosher certified products sold in the U.S.

has topped 110,000. Some 2100 products were certified kosher in 2007. In the

U.S., 10,650 companies and plants produce kosher products.

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